By Jerom Bolt
The Romanian Army upgrades Tunari barracks with 18 million euros from NATO funds: New military unit will have heliport, polygon, new buildings and areas dedicated to military technology
The military caserne Tunari, near Bucharest, will be upgraded for about 18 million euros from NATO funds, according to a tender launched Thursday in the Electronic Public Procurement System (SEAP). “Following Romania’s accession to NATO, the military caserne Tunari was selected from the list of units available for the fulfillment of NATO missions as a temporary station,” the Ministry of National Defense (MApN) shows in the reason why the military unit will be upgraded to NATO standards.
The tender for “Execution works for projects classified NATO Security Investment Programs within the capabilities package CP 9A0996 – RSOM (Reception, Staging and Onward Movement), NSIP 3RS35002” Realization of temporary stationary base “was launched on SEAP on Thursday and has a deadline submission of tenders May 11, 2020.
The estimated value of the project is 18,318,877.68 euros excluding VAT from NATO and MApN funds. The duration of the contract is 87 months, and the winner will be determined following the best price-quality ratio detailed in the procurement procedure launched.
“Following Romania’s accession to NATO, the military caserne Tunari was selected from the list of units available for the fulfillment of NATO missions as a temporary station base”, it is shown in the specifications published by MApN.
“Tunari barracks will develop infrastructure capabilities according to NATO standards, for the provision of personal accommodation spaces, administrative buildings, roads, alleys and platforms for the storage of technology, perimeter and interior fencing necessary for the proper performance of the activities of a temporary stationary base. , through projects financed from NSIP (NATO Security Investment Program) mutual funds ”, shows in the document.
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