Public administration debt (government debt) rose slightly in July of this year, to 48.8% of the Gross Domestic Product, from 48.3% of GDP in the previous month, according to data from the Ministry of Finance, published on Tuesday.
The government debt amounted, in July, to 628.39 billion lei, compared to 621.83 billion lei in June and 577.14 billion lei (48.8% of GDP) at the end of last year.
In July, the medium and long-term debt was 606.91 billion lei, and the short-term debt was 21.46 billion lei.
The largest part of this debt, namely 518.19 billion lei, was represented by government securities. The loans amounted to 98.35 billion lei.
The debt in euros amounts to 287.04 billion lei equivalent, the one in national currency – 282.43 billion lei and the debt in US dollars – 57.68 billion lei equivalent.
The debt of the central public administration amounted, at the end of July, to 611.34 billion lei, of which 589.88 billion lei in the medium and long term. Most of the debt of the central administration was contracted in euros (282.85 billion lei, equivalent) and in lei (269.57 billion lei).
The debt of the local public administration amounts to 17.05 billion lei, of which 17.03 billion lei in the medium and long term.
The internal debt of the public administration was, in July, 310.21 billion lei (24.1% of GDP), of which 297.98 billion lei was the debt of the central administration and 12.23 billion lei was the debt of the local administration.
According to MF data, the external debt of the public administration was 318.18 billion lei (24.7% of GDP), of which 313.36 billion lei was the external debt of the central public administration and 4.82 billion lei was the external debt of local public administration.
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