By Andra Beltz
Luxoft Romania, one of the largest software development and IT solutions companies in Romania, reached 2,000 employees in Bucharest and across the country, out of which almost 500 have chosen to work exclusively from home. By the end of the year, the company plans to recruit an additional 150 employees.
Luxoft Romania is one of the first companies on the local market which implemented a 100% remote working system for current and future employees. In December 2020, the company opened the first permanently remote positions and has so far hired over 300 programmers, following an entirely remote recruitment process, managing to expand its team outside Bucharest, in Cluj, Iasi, Timisoara, and Brasov.
“In everything that involved adapting to working from home, we have put great effort to implement beneficial policies for all groups of employees even after the pandemic. We maintained an open dialogue with Luxoft Romania’s teams in order to understand what their concerns, worries and needs are, and consequently adopt workflows and work programs adapted to their preferences. We are glad that this way, we managed to consolidate and expand our team outside Bucharest”, stated Monica Mardare, HR Director Luxoft Romania.
Luxoft Romania invested in the professional development of its employees and some of the most accessed internal programs during the pandemic were Internal Mobility and the Training Center, a reskilling and upskilling platform that offers employees the opportunity to build a new career path within the company.
Annually, over 350 Luxoft Romania employees benefit from professional training programs to improve or acquire new skills. Employees generally opt for Leadership, Software Development, Software Administration, DevOps, Script Languages, soft skills programs, as well as programs dedicated to entry-level employees, such as Corporate Junior Program.
Details about the job openings in Luxoft Romania are available at
Luxoft Romania is part of the American company DXC Technology, the largest provider of business-to-business information technology services. Present on the market since 2008, through the acquisition of ITC Networks, the company currently has 2,000 employees and provides software development services for local and global customers in the telecom, financial, and automotive fields.
Internationally, Luxoft provides solutions and services from 41 specialized centers and employs nearly 13,000 people in 22 countries in North America, Mexico, Western and Eastern Europe, Asia-Pacific, and South Africa.