By Constantin Radut
I have said many times that the most important issue of Romania is neither economy nor justice. Romania’s priority is demography. No government since 1990 has been concerned with the ever-decreasing number of the country’s population.
Two are the elements in this area.
First is the number of newborns. It decreases every month of the year. The year 2018 is the first in which there has been no positive population growth in any month. Every month, the number of live births was lower than the number of deaths. Population growth was negative.
Secondly, it is the aging of the population. In the 1980s and early 1990s, Romania had the age pyramid on a very broad basis. This shows that the population was young and the country had a beautiful perspective.
Today, the population over 44 years has a share of 60% in the total population. The pyramid of the ages is inverted, with the bottom down. The causes are poor population, low fertility of women, foreign migration of the Romanians. Of the over 3 million Romanians currently living in exodus in various European states and around the world, about 80% of people are able to procreate, to have children.
We no longer live in an autocratic regime. No one can dictate to a couple to have children and how many. Unlike other states, Romania has no ban on procreation. Even if they did, that would not solve demographic problems. We see what is happening in Poland, where under the pressure of the Catholic Church, the government can lead to the imprisonment of a woman who has been aborted.
Nothing can be done with force. Especially children.
But a proactive demographic policy is needed. What must be this policy? It’s hard to say. To have a demographic policy, state authorities, starting with the country’s president, are required to create a special institution that sets short and long-term goals.
We are not the first country to be in a demographic crisis. In the 1960s, France was very disturbed by its demographic decline. He has found solutions.
Sure, Romania does not have the possibilities of France. Romania can not open the gates of immigration. It would have no results.
But a thorough study and proactive policies for demographic growth are mandatory.
The Demography can not kill Romania.
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