By Edwig Ban
Further on to the analysis of our daily on incoherent energy policy and the chaotic support of renewable sources, we present the reflections of a former dignitary in the field.
The National Energy System is morally exhausted and needs backup, the former energy minister, Andrei Gerea, drew attention to a special conference on Friday.
“We all want to have clean production capacities, but in the past two to three years we do not invest in renewable, wind or photovoltaic energy for two reasons: the support schemes disappeared and secondly any additional capacity of renewable energy needs protection systems of the National Energy System. The national energy system needs a backup and it is provided by the coal part. The Romanian energy system is exhausted from a moral point of view. There are moments during the winter, with very strong frost, when the wind turbines do not have wind, and the other capacities work to the maximum.In these situations, we call for energy imports from the neighbors.We must strike a balance between the desire to provide clean energy and the survival capacity of the system energy and supply to the population, “Gerea said.
He added that, ten years ago, the National Energy System has been enriched with wind power generation capacities, but has also created problems in the system.
“In Romania, there was a hey-rupe ten years ago and the National Energy System has been massively enriched with wind power generation capacities. This was good from an ecological point of view, but it created some problems in the system, since wind power was subsidized by the state, and coal-based energy was directly affected in terms of efficiency to withstand a market where things were already evolving in such a way that all these capacities have become ineffective, “the former Energy Minister said.
According to Andrei Gerea, at European level, no means of action to combat climate change has been outlined, “there is no clear vision of what we should do”.
“In this context of climate change, Romania’s contribution is modest, there are other states that massively pollute, they protect their industries, and if we manage to do our homework, it will be very good.” When I was Minister I had the opportunity to discuss with representatives of the European Commission linked to our energy system, our energy strategies, and so on. “At that time, we found that there was no European strategy, no means of action emerged at European level, there was no vision It is indeed a point of reference for the Member States, but it is unfortunately not an effective action plan. It does not take into account that the European and , implicitly the Romanian one, is not structured in such a way that it can accept an integration of renewable energies, for example, “mentioned Andrei Gerea.
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