>>> Transgaz and Black Sea Oil & Gas signed the order to start the works for the takeover of the Black Sea gas
By Jerom Bolt
The representatives of the national gas carrier, Transgaz, and the American investor, Black Sea Oil & Gas, on Friday signed the order to start the works to take over the gas production from the Midia Natural Gas Development Project.
The Transgaz project “Extension of SNT Vadu-T1” consists of the construction of a pipe with a diameter of Ø20 “(Dn 500), designed to transport natural gas at a pressure of 55 bar, in a total length of about 24.37 km, which will connect The Black Sea shore with the National Transport System – the T1 pipeline in the direction of the Black Sea shore – Corbu – Săcele – Cogealac – Garden. The estimated completion date is 2021.
The project consists of the excavation of five production wells (one probe on the Doina deposit and four probes on the Ana deposit), a submarine assembly of production on the Doina deposit which will be connected through an 18 km pipeline to the automated production platform located on the deposit. Ana. A 121 km submarine pipeline will ensure the transportation of gases from the Ana platform to the shore, where 4.1 km of underground pipeline will follow to the new gas treatment station (“STG”). The treated gases will be delivered through the gas measuring station located in the STG perimeter to the SNT operated by Transgaz. It is estimated that gas production will begin in the first quarter of 2021.
For Transgaz signed general manager Ion Sterian, and for Black Sea Oil & Gas SRL signed Mark Beacom. The event was attended by the Minister of Economy, Niculae Bădălău, and the head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Costin Mihalache.
Niculae Bădălău said that this project will cover 10% of Romania’s annual natural gas requirement.
Black Sea Oil & Gas SRL, owned by Carlyle International Energy Partners and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, is an independent oil and gas company headquartered in Romania, which carries out operations for exploration, development and exploitation of conventional oil and natural gas resources. . Currently the company’s portfolio consists of the concession regarding the perimeters XV Midia and XIII Pelican, the Small Depth Water Zone located on the continental shelf of the Black Sea, in which the company holds a 70% stake and the quality of operator.
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