By Constantin Radut
A conference entitled ‘Energy Transition 2019’ was held in Bucharest today, November 7th. Its undeclared objective was to put pressure on the Romanian authorities to subsidize with much money from consumers the creation of new wind farms.
Claudia Brânduş, president of the Romanian Association for Wind Energy (RWEA), gathered in Bucharest more so-called renewable energy experts. RWEA is an organization that brings together wind energy investors. With the money from the taxpayers in Romania, with a permissive policy, which made a profit only for foreign investors, RWEA now has in the wind farms an installed power of almost 3500 MW.
This power of wind power was built only and only with the money of the Romanian taxpayers. The paradox is that no Romanian capital investor is part of RWEA. Since 2013, the rules have changed, the state does not grant subsidies, and investments have frozen.
The purpose of ‘Energy Transition 2019’, Bucharest, November 7, 2019, was, again, to force the authorities to grant new facilities for the profit of foreign companies.
Regarding the contribution of renewable energy in the consumption balance of Romania, it is random and ineffective.
We again ask RWEA to prove transparency and show us the studies based on which the Dobrogea region was declared one of the most important in Europe in terms of wind potential. Because this potential does not exist. This is also evidenced by the situation in the last days when out of the 3500 MW installed power, the wind turbines developed only 150-250MW.
The conference in Bucharest was also attended by Henrik Dam, Policy Officer at DG Energy within the European Commission. The individual calls himself an expert and spoke in Bucharest in an imperative tone.
The European Commission asked Romania for explanations to see why the country intended to reduce the contribution of renewable resources in electricity production from 41.8% in 2020 to 39.6% in 2030, Henrik Dam said on Thursday.
Answer: Because the wind does not blow, Maitre!
According to him, the European Commission recommended to Romania a target of 34% for the year 2030, as evidenced by a formula used at the level of the European Union, which takes into account the potential of resources and the capacity of the Romanian economy.
On what basis?, Maitre. Romania has no potential.
Romania has to develop other energy production systems: nuclear energy, hydropower (sector in which Romania has the highest performance in Europe) and thermal energy.
Very important is the existence of policies that allow these goals to be reached, Dam added.
‘We want to see detailed measures strategies and plans: how the different sectors will evolve and how Romania can achieve its contribution and at what costs. We want to get explanations why the share of renewable energy in electricity production will decrease – and Romania is among the few European countries where this would happen – from 41.8% in 2020, to 39.6% in 2030, more said Henrik Dam.
Remember, Mr Dam. In Germany it is the same trend, in Poland the same, in France the same.
Romania has reached its target for 2020 since 2014. Why do you always insist that Romania increase its share of wind power?
Answer: For the benefit of some companies for which Mr. Dam is likely to lobby.
And a question for Mr. Dam.
You know, Henrik Dam, that:
– at present, the production of wind electricity is more expensive compared to the classical means (nuclear, thermal)? it requires subsidies, mainly through high tariffs from consumers;
– the wind energy is random, depends on the force of the wind, on the intermittent power of the wind; wind energy is neither predictable nor controllable.
DG Energy is a bureaucratic institution. He does not know the realities of the member countries and she lobbies for greedy high profit investors.
All at the expense of consumers in less developed countries.
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