By Constantin Radut
Warsaw recently celebrated the 80th anniversary of the invasion of the Soviet Union and Germany. Events that have once again erased Poland from the map of Europe. The pompous organization for this commemoration was overshadowed by Donald Trump’s absence. The US chief realized that the Warsaw ceremonies are excessively grandiose and cannot be categorized as a global event.
The tragic events that led to the disappearance of the Polish state, once again on the map of Europe, came after Marshal Piłsudski, the autocrat leader of Poland, had signed collaboration agreements with Hitler and Stalin, before the start of the Second World War.
The events of this year in Warsaw recalled many tragic moments in the life of Poland, its army and the massacred population.
The authorities have not mentioned anything about the bankruptcy policy of the Warsaw government since 1939, nor about the friends of Poland at that time.
The most important was Romania!
Of all the strategic dreams of the Poles and of all their strategic projects, only one remained valid: the alliance with Romania, established in 1921, which in fact produced the only historical results when, in September 1939, Germany and Russia invaded and abolished the Second Polish Republic. The government and officers of the Polish army, the national treasury as well as a large number of refugees found shelter in Romania.
In September 2019, the Poles forgot about Poland’s friendship with Marshal Antonescu from the interwar period and the care that Romania has shown so that the remnants of the Polish army will not be completely destroyed.
After the war, Poland saw itself with the extended territories and the national state under the umbrella of the Russians, and the politicians in Warsaw began to think again of the anachronistic dreams of Marshal Piłsudski.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, 30 years after the establishment of democracy, Poland’s dreams of enlargement are manifesting insolently throughout Central and Eastern Europe.
The most insidious action of the Poles is the Initiative of the three seas. In theory, the Initiative aims to strengthen the economic and infrastructure links between the Member States. The signatories represent the four countries of the Visegrad group (Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia), the three Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) together with Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, and two Adriatic countries: Croatia and Slovenia. All 12 countries are members of the European Union.
Launched several years ago, the Initiative of the three seas is taking a step back. Only Romania seems to be carried by the so-called Initiative. The Initiative of the three seas, which some politicians in Warsaw named Trimarium, has the same expansionist skeleton as Intermarium, of Marshal Piłsudski.
In this key, of the Polish grandomania, the recent Romanian-Polish inter-governmental meeting in Bucharest must be read.
The second round of intergovernmental consultations between Romania and Poland. The Polish delegation was led by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. The Prime Minister of Poland was received with military honors by the Prime Minister of Romania, Mrs. Viorica Dăncilă. The first round of negotiations took place on May 25, 2018 and took place in Warsaw.
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