By Emea Riga
Attending on Monday in the eastern city of Tulcea the official opening of the Fish Trading Exchange, Premier Viorica Dancila also announced the launch of a new governmental program aimed at revitalizing the fisheries sector, supporting fisher families and encouraging product processing.
“I am pleased to announce today, in Tulcea, a new government program to revitalize the fisheries sector, aimed at supporting fisher families and encourage product processing. The government program will include state aid schemes for aquaculture and for supporting the relevant food industry,” Dancila said.
The Prime Minister added that the Danube Delta rich fish resource deserves a truly functional competitive market, having in view that agriculture, as well as fishing, contribute significantly to the economy of the Tulcea County and provides jobs for about 30 percent of the population.
“The new Fish Trading Exchange in Tulcea is a project of almost 6 million euro financed from national and European funds. (…) The operation of the Exchange means trading fish and fish products for a fair price, confirmed quality of the goods and doing away with black market speculation. We thus help the fishermen and fish farms develop their businesses and the local boarding houses will be able to offer tourists truly traditional fish cuisine prepared from local fish,” the PM said.
She also announced the introduction of “new, simple and effective mechanisms for financing investments by local communities”.
Dancila mentioned that another category of government programs for which commitment appropriations have already been budgeted will start next month, namely programs specifically designed for local communities.
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