Bucharest, October 27, 2023 – by rbj – (Source: Agerpres) (Photo source: g4media.ro) – Romania’s national cyber team ranked 8th, out of 34 participating teams, at this year’s edition of the European Cyber Security Challenge – ECSC 2023, informs the National Cyber Security Dispatch, through a press release.
ECSC 2023 took place between 24-26 October 2023 in Norway, in Hamar, and brought together the most talented young people in the field of cyber security in Europe. During the three days of the competition, national teams consisting of 10 members (5 juniors and 5 seniors) competed for the European trophy by solving security-related tasks in areas such as web security, mobile security, crypto puzzles, reverse engineering and forensic. In this whole process of solving some challenges, the teams collected points for each of their correct solutions.
The trophy of the European Cyber Security Championship 2023 went to the German team, and the podium was completed by Switzerland (2) and Denmark (3).
Team Romania had a very good course, especially in the first two days of the championship, when they ranked 3rd and 4th respectively at the end of the seasons. However, on the last day, although the team managed to solve most of the challenges of the competition, it did not get the podium, the cited source mentions. At the end, the ECSC 2024 flag was handed over to Italy, the country that will host next year’s edition of the championship.
In order to represent the country at the European championship, a candidate passionate about cyber must first participate in the National Cyber Security Championship – RoCSC, organized by the National Directorate of Cyber Security (DNSC), the Romanian Intelligence Service (through Cyberint) and the Association National for the Security of Information Systems (ANSSI), with the support of private partners such as Orange, Bit Sentinel, certSIGN, Cisco, UiPath, PaloAlto Networks, but also of the traditional media partner, AGERPRES.
The competition has an online stage and a final one, held physically, after which a provisional batch of Team Romania is selected. Later, after the training bootcamps in the summer, the best 10 young people, along with two reserves, are selected to represent Romania at the European championship. Young people interested in developing professional technical skills can prepare for the National Cyber Security Championship on the online educational platform CyberEdu, a digital training space where you can find most of the exercises proposed in the previous editions of ROCSC and ECSC, but also other exercises built for competitions of international cyber security.
Team Romania was represented this year by Matei Buzdea, Vlad Seba, Paul Valase, Mihai Dăncăescu, Alexandru Darius Ghica, Dragoş Albăstroiu, Cristian Papa, Horia Teodor Niţă, Ionuţ Epure and Liviu-Alexandru Bud, and the coaches responsible for the national team have formerly Cristian Paţachia and Ioan Constantin (Orange).