Bucharest, December 16, 2023 – # rbj – On the night of Thursday to Friday December 14/15, 2023) EU leaders reached an agreement regarding the opening of the negotiation calendar for the accession of Ukraine and Moldova to the European community.
It is, of course, an important signal that those in charge in Brussels give to the process of enlargement of the Union, especially since in recent years there have been many points of view regarding the freezing of EU borders.
For the most part, these points of view have their degree of reason. The candidate states from the Western Balkans, as well as Ukraine, are not obliged to meet the accession criteria and do not meet them either.
In the case of Ukraine and Rep. Moldova, the main motivation is strategic, political and not economic.
On Thursday night, however, it was known that this, namely the opening of the accession file of the two states, is not possible due to the veto waved whenever the opportunity arose by Vikor Orban, PM of Hungary.
The stubborn PM from the small country neighboring Romania claims that he can, when he wants, juggle various tricks for his own interests. He said this, a week before, to Macron, in Paris, he spoke openly in Budapest and juggled the emotions of the officials in Brussels.
But, on Thursday night, at the event we are talking about, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz showed himself to be smarter than everyone else. Those who were nearby show how the action unfolded.
Potrivit celor de la Polotico, Scholz ia dat lui Orban semnalul inaintea
votului celor 27: “Viktor, du-te la o cafea! Iesi pe hol, pana terminam de votat”.
According to the Democratic Coalition (DK), from Budapest, Viktor Orbán did not protest by his absence, did not make a symbolic gesture, but “was simply sent out of the meeting room, like a bad child who disturbs the class”. What happened shows what we have seen many times before: the prime minister who spoke bellicose texts in Budapest retreated at the first word in Brussels like a chihuahua scared of his own shadow, says the DK statement, according to Hungarian media.
And the press from the Hungarian capital adds: “While the leaders of the other 26 member states decided on the future of the EU, Orbán made a responsible decision to drink an espresso or a latte.”
What makes this case even more embarrassing and ridiculous is that Orbán, whose favorite word these days is sovereignty, was voted out of an important vote in Brussels. According to the DK party, Hungary could represent its interests in the European Union only with a new government.
Is this a signal that Viktor Orban’s position is deteriorating not only externally but also internally. All that is possible!