By Andra Beltz
Lyncean Technologies (USA) has won the tender for the construction of the second-largest research equipment in the Măgurele/Romania project. This equipment, together with the High Power Laser System, makes the ELI-NP Center the most advanced Center for Scientific Research in the world of nuclear photonics.
The Romanian side canceled a year ago the contract with a consortium headed by the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Italy, because they delayed the installation of the gamma-ray system.
The VEGA system, operational at the beginning of 2023, will be the best performing gamma system in the world, providing monochromatic gamma radiation with energies up to 20 MeV and hundreds of times higher accuracy than any system in the world.
The system will be developed by Lyncean Technologies Inc., the only company in the world at this time capable of meeting the performance, budget and delivery time requirements for this unique equipment in the world.
According to the signed contract, the VEGA system will be operational so that the first experiments can be started starting with the first part of 2023, in its total value of 49 million euros including maintenance and technical assistance in operation during the first three years of upon commissioning.
This equipment, together with the 2 x 10 PW High Power Laser System, makes the ELI-NP Center the most advanced Scientific Research Center in the world of nuclear photonics. The ELI-NP conducts research at the frontier of knowledge in both fundamental physics, nuclear physics and astrophysics, as well as applied research in materials science, nuclear materials management and life sciences.
ELI-NP Măgurele, the most advanced Nuclear Photonics Research Center in the world
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